Discernment is knowing something to “be” from what is not “seen” with the natural eye. So many times prophets question their discernment because they are taught not to be suspicious, critical and judgemental.
Discernment is none of those things, it’s “knowing” and “seeing” behind the veil of what is presented to the “natural” senses.
Just because someone is telling you what you want to hear or what you want to be true and your spirit is grieving or waving a red flag doesn’t mean you aren’t walking in love.
Discernment doesn’t have an agenda against people. It is a tool how to navigate the agendas OF people.
To be honest I want to “unsee” so much of what I “see”. I’ve spent years wrestling with this gift as sometimes I’ve felt isolated by it, seeing what others don’t. It in some ways has acted as a thorn in my flesh, however when I’ve yielded to the truth of it it has proven to have saved me from immense grief and heartache and trainwrecks for those around me.
Discernment when coupled with wisdom moves as a vehicle of deliverance.
Discernment is not to be feared or shied away from. In this hour more than ever everyone should be crying out to God for discernment and asking the Lord to unclog the heart of any thing that would hinder our spiritual vision in this way.
I just encourage you, if your spirit checks, don’t double guess yourself even if on the outside there can be much “evidence” to overrule your spirit’s conviction. I’d say the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, who leads you into all truth, hasn’t got it wrong.
Shabbat shalom.
Anita Alexander