When all HOPE in the NATURAL was gone Abraham hoped in Faith. (Romans 4:18)
Sometimes there is not one sign in the natural of breakthrough, in fact sometimes what God has spoken looks more impossible than ever or no where remotely close to coming to pass. This is when we have to HOPE IN FAITH. FAITH is the assurance and the substance of things that can’t be seen (HOPE) in the natural or measured by our sense realm. It is measured by “assurance”.
Faith is measured by how much our heart abandons itself to believing what He has spoken and believing who He is. Job was able to do this in the midst of great trial, where his circumstances declared an opposite narrative to who God really was. YET, job somehow was able to declare, though He slay me yet will I TRUST Him (Job 13:15). In other words though my circumstances are saying God is different to who He says He is or what I know Him to be, and even though there isn’t one scrap of “evidence” in the natural that He is who He says He is right now, I will choose to trust Him. This my friends has to be our resolve when our faith is getting tested to the core.
We unknowing are looking for signs and “evidence” in this sense realm, which can create anxiety and hopelessness. But to truly live in hope we must remember that Hope is unseen, and is not measured by signs or senses. It is measured by Hoping in Faith.
“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.”
Isaiah 26:3-4 NKJV
Anita Alexander