The Lord of the Harvest stepped in at our Pentecost service last Sunday and I saw a vision of a host of heaven to assist and aid in the reaping.
The angels of reaping have been sent forth carrying the assignments and instructions of heaven to help bring forth your harvest. Engage and agree with thanksgiving before the Lord for the angels of harvest that have been released on your behalf to “oversee” your harvest coming into your hands. A harvest of prayer, a harvest of finance, a harvest of turnaround, a harvest of promotion, a harvest of joy instead of mourning, a harvest of rejoicing instead of tears sown, a harvest of breakthrough, a harvest of revelation, a harvest of justice and vindication, a harvest of souls in your family. Whatever you have sown and are believing God for, the Lord says prayerfully engage in faith with the angels on assignment and thank me for the fulfillment of that which I have promised you.
YWVH EL OLAM – He who finishes what He starts.
A few weeks ago I encountered the Lord as the all Eternal One. As I worshipped Him in my private time with Him, it was as if I was caught into a space where I was beholding Him sitting on the throne. I was quieted to behold, to just gaze and I knew I was waiting for Him to reveal himself to me. I was not to “supplicate” or to get a “download” but merely to “see”. As I was beholding him I began to say Eternal One, Eternal One, Eternal One. I knew this is how He was revealing Himself to me to be worshipped.
It is important to understand, when you meet with God and He displays and reveals Himself in a distinct way (Jehovah Jireh, Elshadai etc), be sure to take notice because in that moment and space there is an invitation to experience Him in that realm and receive impartation of that aspect of Him for what you are walking in that moment.
Curious to understand what relevance this had for this hour, and my life, I searched the scriptures. I discovered The All Eternal One, Yaweh El Olam, was called upon by Abraham at the well of Beersheba, where he made covenant with Abimelech by giving him 7 animals as a “witness” that Abimelech acknowledged Beersheba as the well Abraham dug.
This covenant was a declaration that what was Abraham’s belonged to Him. In this case, the validation of Abraham’s ownership of the well and that He was in fact the original person who dug that well, and it was sealed in covenant.
Then Abraham made a memorial before the Lord and called on the Lord Eternal, YWVH EL OLAM. (Genesis 21:33)
YWVH EL OLAM, is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. In other words, God surely brings to pass that which He begins “by His Spirit”.
The Lord is revealing Himself in this hour as the all Eternal One, and is sealing the covenant of that which He has promised you as yes and Amen. It is a visitation that declares you in fact have the title deed to what He has promised you and as it was established at Beersheva for Abraham as the original owner of that well, so it is established for you. You are the original “owner” of what God has promised you.
The enemy has tried to fill in soil and dirt over your promise by discouragement and disappointment, grief and delay, and say “God did not say”. The enemy has sought to steal and “fake” ownership of that which was “originally” given to you by God in “promise” and say, “it won’t happen, it’s not for you”. BUT GOD, is coming in this hour and stepping in as YWVH EL OLAM, the All Eternal One, and is decreeing by the 7 spirits of God as “witness” that this “well” of promise IS indeed YOURS. That He is the AUTHOR and what HE has promised from the beginning of time to you, IS yours and HE will now FINISH it. He will bring it to pass. HE is bearing witness before heaven and earth and He is not a man that He should lie. HE is faithful who has promised and is getting ready to FINISH what He started in you! Philipians 1:6,
So today as you encounter the YWVH EL OLAM, The Eternal One, the covenant is sealed. The agreement of original ownership of your promise has been established. Step into fulfillment, by faith, and agree that He is finishing that which He has started! Call upon the Eternal One as a memorial of Him protecting the inheritance for your posterity.
Revelation 1:8
I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, “who was and Is and is to come.”
Isaiah 41:4
“who has performed and accomplished it, Calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord, am the first, and with the last, I am He.”
Revelation 22:13
I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
Rejoice in the Lord of the Harvest who has sent forth His Angels of reaping to fulfil that which He has started, and promised. Thank Him that He is Lord over the reaping, and that His angels on assignment will bring to pass the harvest “WITHOUT DELAY”. Thank Him that as they carry God’s decree of FINISHING, no devil nor man can hinder what God has promised. Thank Him that Isaiah 66:9 is yours, that the Lord will in fact CAUSE you to bring forth at your moment of birthing. Thank Him this is YOUR MOMENT to give birth! Thank Him, that the angels on assignment will “oversee” the transition, and move into place what needs to be positioned for you to step into harvest and the fulfillment of your title deed promise!
Anita Alexander